The Northwoods Children's Museum is proud to partner with Feed Our Rural Kids (FORK) to provide supplemental food items to families at no cost. No admission to the museum is required and no questions asked. You may take what you need. Please donate items if you can. We take donations of non-expired, non-perishable food. The red donation bin is located on the pantry shelf.
Personal Hygiene Pantry made possible by an anonymous donor and the SMILE Grant. We accept donations of non-expired, unused personal hygiene products. No admission to the museum is required and no questions asked. Take what you need, and please donate if you can. The personal hygiene donation bin is located next to the pantry.
We are here to support the whole child and the whole family.
Pantry access available during hours museum is open:
Mon-Fri 10am-5pm
Sat 10am-3pm
Thank you for your support. Please spread the word about these resources.