<p><a href="https://link.clover.com/urlshortener/48yhxK" style="background-color:#228800;border:1px solid #228800;min-height:50px;color:#fff;padding:10px 20px;text-decoration:none;background-image:none;">Donate Now</a></p>
<p><span style="font-size:18px;">The Northwoods Children’s Museum is a non-profit organization that supports families through play. Donations from caring individuals and businesses make it possible to provide a quality children’s museum for families year-round. The museum’s very existence is a daily tribute to people who care enough about children to share their time and money.</span></p>
Play is so important to child development that it is recognized by the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights as a right of every child. Virtually every nation in the world has endorsed these findings.
However, many children in the world don’t have a chance to play…and many children in the world will NEVER have a chance to play. Children today spend roughly 6.5 hours a day with electronic media, which means that sitting in front of a screen has replaced active play and playing with others. We also know that there is a direct line between limited play and some disturbing public health and social trends:
• Tragic statistics for childhood obesity…
• Classroom behavior problems involving violence…
• Inability to interact well with peers…
• Increase in childhood depression...
Just an hour a day of vigorous play addresses virtually all of these health and social trends. And, we know that active kids perform better academically in the long term.
As a community resource it is important for the Northwoods Children’s Museum to help ALL of our kids learn and grow.
Consider a Donation
We charge $9 per person for daily admission, while it actually costs us $12 per person. Please consider 'rounding up' at the checkout to help offset the cost. Thank you!
The Northwoods Children's Museum is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
FEIN 39-1774863.